Sunday, Day 2 of the challenge we started by bringing a little nature inside. Kaylen has been yearning to grow his own apple tree, so we picked up this mini greenhouse and got to planting. Once it was settled on the window ledge, he apologized to the apple, but reassured it that this was for the greater good, and there would be more apples to come. Hopefully ;)
Then Kaylen suggested we take out our bikes and hit the seawall! Unfortunately, our tires were really flat, so we had to walk a bit first until we could get some air. We rode from our house to just past English Bay and back. We stopped by the water to collect some rocks for phase 2 of our gardening session, which was planting sunflower seeds in the planter on our balcony.
Once again, it was a beautiful sunny day. Feeling the breeze as we rode made me feel like a kid again, and seeing my son so happy is almost indescribable. I also love the smell of the ocean, so I breathed it in deeply. Kaylen said: "I felt happy, I heard water." Love the sound of the waves crashing too!
Once again, we had such a great time being active outdoors together. Kaylen had so much fun, he decided he should ride his bike more, and that's just fine with me.
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